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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
Localisation : ajaccio

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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
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right hand of doom
Hollywood succes
Hollywood succes
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Enregistré le : 16.09.2003 - 22:29

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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
Localisation : ajaccio

Message par peter wonkley »

Les Sonic Youth quittent New York et s'installent à Memphis pour enregistrer leur deuxième double album, sept ans après le superbe Daydream Nation. Ils enregistrent de longs morceaux aux ambiances contrastées (presque 10 minutes pour "Washing Machine" et 19 minutes pour la pièce maîtresse du disque "The Diamond Sea"). Influencés par la douceur campagnarde du Tennessee ils gravent quelques plages douces et mélodieuses ("Unwind" et "Little Trouble Girl" avec Kim Deal des Breeders aux choeurs).mais l'expérimentation reste de mise, avec les arpèges dissonants de "Skip Tracer" et la violence atonale de "Junkie's Promise". C'est qu'entre punk, free jazz et krautrock, le coeur de Sonic Youth ne cesse de balancer.

LIVE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKyszZhaIHg
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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
Localisation : ajaccio

Message par peter wonkley »

Dinosaur Jr est ce groupe étrange qui permet de réconcilier les amateurs de heavy-metal, qui s’extasient devant les prouesses techniques des guitaristes et leurs solos à rallonge, et ceux qui ne jurent que par la mélodie et pour qui toute bonne chanson doit pouvoir être jouée sur une guitare sèche sans perdre de ses qualités, qui en veulent pour preuve le Unplugged de Nirvana.

Dinosaur Jr, donc, qui martèle un maelström sonore, bruyant, sale et rapide dans lequel font plus qu’émerger des merveilles de chansons pop, plus ou moins gémies par la voix éraillée et fatiguée du leader J. Mascis, inégalable dans le rôle du slacker dilettante.

You’re Living All Over Me déroule donc essentiellement une recette immuable (musique féroce, mélodie plaintive, solos virtuoses tout en restant ‘indie’), mais rehaussée par suffisamment d’inventivité, de puissance, de fougue et de mélodies pour faire saliver et nous régaler de son son relativement révolutionnaire. Il est probablement le meilleur album du groupe, celui où sa créativité est à son apogée, comme en attestent Kracked, Raisans, Little Fury Things ou encore Lung .

Plus classique et rock que Sonic Youth, plus bruyant et lourd que Nirvana, préfigurant la lame de fond grunge, Dinosaur Jr se situe au confluent de ces deux groupes, méritant sa place au panthéon du rock américain déglingué

LIVE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHuuRmF4Goo
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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
Localisation : ajaccio

Message par peter wonkley »

Foolish is perhaps the most controversial album among fans from the veteran Chapel Hill Indie rockers. Written in the aftermath of the breakup of co-founders Laura Balance and Mac Mcaughn's longtime romantic relationship, Foolish also marks a distinct turning point in the band's sound. Foolish followed up the high-energy masterpiece On The Mouth, which many consider the band's finest album. On the Mouth retained the indie-production sound of their previous efforts, with the band still showing its punk roots in the midst of their undeniable pop genius. Foolish stood in sharp contrast however, with the best production of any `Chunk album to that point and a focused effort at reigning in the band's often frenetic energy into pure pop gems. As a result, there was a lot of talk that Superchunk had "sold out" and that their attempts at a more "mature" sound could lead to a less exciting band than the one that had gained the hearts of anyone who had witnessed one of their astoundingly high-octane live shows.

In the end, all doubts were unfounded. The crisper production of Foolish is a treat, allowing the rhythm section of Laura Balance and John Wurster to really come through, which is indeed a treat as they had never been so tight on any album before. Furthermore, numbers such as "The First Part" and "Water Wings" showed a leaning towards more complex songs than the three chord bashers of days past, while still maintaining a sheer pop brilliance. The album opener "like a Fool", "In a Stage Whisper" and the gem "Driveway to Driveway" (a humorous yet heartfelt, "morning after" recall of a drunken night's misguided attempts at romance, also a fantastic video if you can find it) showcased the band's attempts to move away from the pogo songs and write more mid-tempo numbers.

Superchunk has always been sort of an enigma lyrically. There is little doubt to Mac's talents as a songwriter, however there is often a cryptic air to Superchunk's songs that comes as a result of Mac's singing or the simple peculiarity of the words. Foolish however is one of the most straightforward `Chunk albums lyrically, and some say one of the darkest. It is no surprise that the pain of Mac and Laura's breakup comes through as a recurring theme throughout the album. In Water Wings (a powerhouse live and on the album) Mac tells of a woman who "pointed out the black cloud in the sky/and said that's what happens when you learn to fly". In "Without Blinking" Mac confronts the object of his heartache with the lines "Did you really do this without thinking/or was their some concentration at work/cause when you said that you were sorry / you did it without blinking / you can't pretend to not know how that hurts." A departure from the broken hearted lyric comes in one of the sleeper gems off the album, "Kicked In", a wistful song recalling an acid-filled summer night and the wish that "the nights could be warm again this year/and we could stay up all night." Overall, Foolish is a true pop gem that laid the blueprint and sounded the alarm that the hyper-frenetic Chunk of the early `90s was about to embark on a more mature, yet no less interesting sound. In over ten years together this band has never released a bad album, which is something that few bands have ever been able to say. Overall, another excellent record of simple yet strong guitar pop that is highly recommended.

LIVE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry6_7oX9nkc
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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
Localisation : ajaccio

Message par peter wonkley »

How best to describe this CD? Liquid emotion. What's so amazing about Chokebore is that every song is written in a way in which anybody can relate to. The lyrics and music are full of such emotion that at times they make you feel as if the songs were written for you, about you. The singer, Troy Balthazar, has the gift of making depression enjoyable. This CD is great to listen to after going through a break-up or just having a bad day. The sadness in the music allows the listener to empathize with the lyrics and yet be uplifted by them. Beautiful music that allows itself to be taken in by you and leaves you wanting more. Get this CD, you will not regret it.

LIVE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0h4kTFQC38
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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
Localisation : ajaccio

Message par peter wonkley »

Pour son troisième album en trois ans, ce quintette texan met le paquet, distribuant sans rechigner des uppercuts sonores dont la sèche violence n'en oublie pas pour autant l'expérimentation, défrichant au passage des territoires jusque-là vierges. À l'écoute de Relationship Of Command, on aura évidemment une pensée émue à l'endroit des ancêtres Stooges et autres MC5, voire plus sûrement au combo hardcore Fugazi. Les moins connus sont également en mémoire : Prohibition et Shelac, du producteur Steve Albini, qui partagent avec At The Drive-In nombre de préoccupations – le sens de l'ascèse jusqu'au-boutiste et le minimalisme rêche voire autarcique en moins. Edité par les Beastie Boys sur leur label Grand Royal, cette cure de jouvence supersonique devrait éveiller la curiosité des amateurs de fulgurances électriques pour ne plus les lâcher.

LIVE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYqKNLR8vWM
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King du Box office
King du Box office
Messages : 7539
Enregistré le : 08.05.2003 - 13:33

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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
Localisation : ajaccio

Message par peter wonkley »

One of the last great heavy metal/psychedelic combinations, the early '80s tour "Black & Blue" featured Black Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult laying waste to stoned freaks nationwide. First you'd get blitzed by BOC's post-Armageddon, intellectual metal space show--"Don't Fear the Reaper", "Godzilla", and so on--and then, while everyone's brains were still reeling from too much rat weed and cheap booze, Sabbath would come out and bash everyone square between the eyes with two-ton riffs. Black and blue indeed. The members of Monster Magnet no doubt took in a few of these shows as whelps and have absorbed and regurgitated everything that made that tour so great on their record Dopes to Infinity. Witness some of the heaviest riffs you'll ever hear, and be dazzled by subtle acoustic numbers and instrumental wizardry. And if that's not enough for you, they've even thrown in a certified hit in "Negasonic Teenage Warhead", equal amounts BOC's "Godzilla" and Cream's "White Room." Like Kyuss and Corrosion of Conformity, Monster Magnet has suckled at Sabbath's teat, and though they owe the Sabs their existence, they've grown up and created their own vision. This is by far the best, most fully and successfully realized Monster Magnet record and will no doubt stand as one of the classic psychedelic metal albums of all time.

LIVE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogkglJIodPU
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King du Box office
King du Box office
Messages : 7539
Enregistré le : 08.05.2003 - 13:33

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King du Box office
King du Box office
Messages : 7539
Enregistré le : 08.05.2003 - 13:33

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Messages : 11978
Enregistré le : 10.01.2004 - 14:17
Localisation : metz

Message par creepers »


en effet c'est vraiment très très bien :)

pas besoin de chercher pour longtemps pour leurs reférences et on se croirait dans une B.O de big john par moment surtout la 2ème piste d'ailleurs ! :)
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King du Box office
King du Box office
Messages : 7539
Enregistré le : 08.05.2003 - 13:33

Message par blame »

Beaucoup influencé par Fabbio frizzi aussi.
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peter wonkley
Messages : 20542
Enregistré le : 21.12.2002 - 21:13
Localisation : ajaccio

Message par peter wonkley »

Inspired by the invitation to the All Tomorrow's Parties "Don't Look Back" event, where bands convened to play one of their classic albums in its entirety, and the Melvins did indeed play "Houdini" (with Trevor Dunn on bass this time). Unfortunately they didn't record those 2 shows but did re-enact and record the entire mess again in SoCal. It was an invitation-only show, so for those of us not "on the list," here's the document. Mind-boggling.

CLIP : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqrsShcHc_E