Walked out twenty mins before the end. This is everything I hate about all those crappy crime comics I've read the past eight years. It's just the same contrived shit re-heated and re-heated until we can't even see what it IS anymore. Madonna's bitch is a watered down Tarantino and the last five years we've seen watered down versions of him. This is what happens when you take to the infinite degree. It was total, total shit. Flash direction, names appearing on the screen, etc, etc, et-fucking-cetera.[...]
I've seen a lot of good flicks these past three months (Departed, Prestige, Casino Royale, Borat, Children of Men, etc) so it's only fair I splash a fiver on a clunker once in a while. But this was sooo bad. It was like someone doing a parody of a parody. The characters were so contrived, most of the scenes just gibberish. This was like a student movie by students who thought Snatch was the greatest movie ever made. Tarantino must have his head buried in his hands, though thanking God he'd jumped ship to other kind of movies now.
Mark Millar (from Millarworld)
En gros ca serait du sous-Guy Richie (qui est deja un sous-sous Tarantino à la base), Faudra laisser au réal de Narc le benefice du doute mais c'est pas engageant...
Après un Narc sombre et intense, Carnahan propose un polar décomplexé qui emprunte les dialogues de Tarantino, l'intrigue tarabiscotée du Revolver de Ritchie et la mise en scène sous adrénaline de Tony Scott. Le tout se regarde sans déplaisir mais n'évite par l'impression de déja vu ailleurs peinant à trouver ses propres marques. Rôles furtifs mais originaux de Ben Affleck et Alicia Keys.