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Posté : 04.02.2005 - 23:43
par Whale Rider

South Pacific Pictures - 94 min.

Cast: Cliff Curtis, Theresa Healey, Hori Ahipene, Kevin Smith, Jaime Passier-Armstrong, Charley Murphy Samau, Marise Wipani, Taungaroa Emile.
Screenplay: Michael Bennett from a story by Nepi Solomon; Photography: Leon Narby; Editor: Eric DeBeus; Original music: Plan 9; Producers: John Barnett, Caterina DeNave, Bill Gavin; Director: Michael Hurst.

The story of Billy Williams(Cliff Curtis) is set in the (fictional) small town of Waimatua. Billy is trying to organise the biggest celebration the town has even seen - the 75th Jubilee of their school. In doing this, feckless Billy is trying to redeem himself in the eyes of his family, especially his frustrated wife Pauline (Theresa Healey). However trouble arrives with the return of a local former All Blacks Captain, and old flame of Pauline's.

Une petite comédie Néo zélandaise très drole et sympathique où l'on retrouve l'acteur Cliff Curtios (effroyable Oncle Bully dans l'ame des Guerriers et Père aimant dans Whale Rider), dans le rôle de Billy qui se décarcasse afin d'organiser le jubilee de la petite ville où il vit.

Un film sympa, pas cher sur play, mais malheureusement recadré.

Posté : 28.03.2005 - 12:33
par peter wonkley